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"Gender Equality"

Writer's picture: Creative solutionsCreative solutions

Every child deserves to reach her or his full potential, has right to choose his or her rights but gender discrimination in their lives and in the lives of those who care for them or support them hinder this reality.

Wherever they are , they are unable to move forward due to gender inequality. In India girls and boys see gender inequality in their homes and communities every day i.e., in textbooks, in movies, in the media and among the men and women who provide their care and support. Gender discrimination starts with very small thins. And sometimes parents are also doing gender discrimination. For example –They send their daughter in Hindi medium school and son in English medium school.

Gender discrimination results in unequal opportunities, and while it impacts on the lives of both genders, but statistically it is girls that are the most disadvantaged due to gender discrimination.

Globally girls have higher survival birth rates and are more likely to be developmentally on track, and just as likely to participate in all activities they want. But India is the only large country where more girls die than boys. Girls are forced drop out of school for helping their mothers in household chores.

In India girls and boys experience adolescence very differently. While boys tend to experience greater freedom but girls tend to face immense limitations on their ability to move freely and to make decisions . This affects their work, education, marriage and social relationships.

We are seeing gender barriers continue to expand from childhood and continue into adulthood. We see only a few number of women in the formal workplace.

Some Indian women are global leaders and powerful voices in diverse fields but most women and girls in India do not fully enjoy many of their rights due to deeply entrenched patriarchal views, norms, traditions and structures.

India will not fully develop unless both girls and boys are equally supported to reach their full potential.

There are risks, violations and vulnerabilities girls are facing just because they are girls. Most of these risks are directly linked to the economic, political, social and cultural disadvantages girls are dealing with in their daily lives. This becomes acute during crisis and disasters.

With the widespread presence of gender discrimination, and social norms and practices, girls become exposed to the possibility of child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence. Many of these manifestations will not change unless girls are valued more.

How to empower women rights:

Providing girls with the services and safety, education and skills they need in daily life can reduce the risks they are facing now and enable them to fully develop and contribute to India’s growth. This requires focused investment and collaboration.

Access to programmes specifically made to fulfill the needs of girls – with a focus on education and developing life skills, ending violence and incorporating the needs and contributions of girls from vulnerable groups, including those with disabilities, can strengthen the resilience of millions of girls.

Long-term solutions for gender inequality can also help girls to further strengthen this resilience and be a pathway of transformational and lifelong opportunity for girls.

All girls, especially adolescent girls, need platforms to raise their voice for the challenges they face in everyday life and explore the solutions that work for them so they can build better futures for themselves and their communities.

How gender Equality starts at home:

बच्चों के बीच घर पर समानता कैसे शुरू होती है?

Gender equality begins at home, and families are at the front lines of change. For the next generation, the examples set at home by parents, family members, care-givers and extended family are shaping the way they think about gender and equality.

बदलाव की शुरुआत घर से ही होती है। अगर हम चाहते हैं कि लड़का और लड़की के भेदभाव को बंद हो, तो हमें अपने घर से ही इसकी शुरुआत करनी होगी। माता-पिता और परिवार के सदस्य ही मिलकर इस भेदभाव को खत्म कर सकते हैं जिससे हमारी आने वाली पीढ़ियों को इसका सामना नहीं करना पड़ेगा।

From breaking down gender stereotypes to sharing the work, and educating children about women’s rights and gender equality, here are some ways you can inspire the future feminists in your family.

रूढ़िवादी सोच को हटाने से लेकर बच्चों को इस विषय पर शिक्षित करना बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है।बच्चों को महिलाओं के अधिकार और महिला समानता के विषय में ज्ञात होना जरूरी है। यहां कुछ ऐसे निम्नलिखित बिन्दुए प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं जिनसे आप अपने परिवार में भविष्य की नारी वादियों को प्रेरित कर सकते हैं।

1. Share the work.

From cooking and cleaning, to fetching water to taking care of children and the elders, to doing household work.By equally dividing all housework and childcare in your home, set an example of gender equality among children. Involve boys in care work and household chores from an early age, along with girls.

1. कार्य विभाजन - घर पर अनेकों तरह के कार्य होते हैं। पानी भरने से लेकर खाना बनाने तक, घर की साफ सफाई से लेकर बच्चों का ध्यान रखने तक ऐसे छोटे-छोटे कई कार्य होते हैं। इन सभी कार्यों को समान रूप से लड़का हो या लड़की उन में विभाजित करना चाहिए जिससे बच्चों को यह शिक्षा मिलेगी घर के कार्य सिर्फ लड़कियां ही नहीं लड़के भी करते हैं।

2. Embrace diverse role models.

Role models come in all shapes, sizes, genders, skin tones and cultural backgrounds. Every parents have to encourage their children to embrace diversity, by showing them role models from different genders, ethnicities and colour. And remind them that they can be anything they want to be, regardless of their gender.

2. विविध रोल मॉडल को अपनाएं - रोलमॉडल सभी आकार, लिंग, रंग और सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठ भूमि में आते हैं। प्रत्येक माता-पिता को अपने बच्चों को विभिन्न लिंगों, जातियों रोलमॉडल दिखा कर विविधता को अपनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना होगा। और उन्हें याद दिलाएं कि वे कुछ भी बन या कर सकते हैं, चाहे उनका लिंग कुछ भी हो।

3. Empower your kids to speak out in public without hesitation.

Young people around the world are stepping up for gender equality. When we empower and educate youngsters about women’s rights, we are ensuring a better future for all of us.

3. अपने बच्चों को बिना किसी हिचकिचाहट के सार्वजनिक रूप से बोलने के लिए सशक्त बनाएं - दुनिया भर के युवा लैंगिक समानता के लिए कदम बढ़ा रहे हैं। जब हम महिलाओं के अधिकारों के बारे में युवाओं को सशक्त और शिक्षित करेंगे, तो हम, हम सभी के लिए बेहतर भविष्य सुनिश्चित करेंगे।

4. Fight stereotypes, including your own.

Gender is not about biological differences between the sexes, rather, it’s a social construct—people define what it means to be a boy or a girl, and these social conditionings often expect children to confirm to limiting their gender roles and expectations from a young age. That’s why we have to start conversations about gender roles early on, and challenge the features and characteristics assigned to men and women at home, in our daily routines, in school and in places of work.

For example - Girls can only do small things because they are delicate and boys can work outside. Everyone thinks that girls can do only a few jobs such as teaching, nursing, caring etc. And all the jobs that needs hard work can only be done by boys.

4. रूढ़ियों से लड़ें - लिंग, लिंगों के बीच जैविक अंतर के बारे में नहीं है, बल्कि, यह एक सामाजिक निर्माणहै – जिसे लोग परिभाषित करते हैं कि लड़का या लड़की होने का क्या मतलब है, और ये सामाजिक नियम अक्सर बच्चों से अपेक्षा करते हैं कि वे कम उम्र से ही अपनी लिंग भूमिकाओं और अपेक्षाओं को सीमित करने की पुष्टिकरें। इस लिए हमें लिंग भूमिकाओं के बारे में बातचीत जल्दी शुरू करनी होगी, और घर पर, अपनी दैनिक दिनचर्या में, स्कूलों में और काम के स्थानों में पुरुषों और महिलाओं को सौंपी गई विशेषताओं को चुनौती देनी होगी।

उदाहरण के लिए - लड़कियां छोटे-छोटे काम ही कर सकती हैं क्योंकि वे नाजुक होती हैं औरलड़के बाहर के काम कर सकते हैं। हर कोई सोचता है कि लड़कियां केवल कुछ ही काम कर सकती हैं जैसे कि पढ़ाना, पालना, देखभाल करना आदि। और वे सभी काम जिनमें मेहनत की जरूरत होती है, वे सभी काम लड़के ही कर सकते हैं।

5. Stop the body shame.

Our world is made in a way that makes us compare ourselves to the beauty standards set by outsiders such as - the media, culture and society. We always measure ourselves against other people and feel judged by our physical appearance. We always compare ourselves by other’s dressing, beauty, body shape and size, height etc Bodyshaming is a learned behaviour, so it’s important for parents to lead by giving them example.

शरीर की लज्जा बंद करो - हमारी दुनिया इस तरह से बनी है कि हम अपनी तुलना बाहरी लोगों द्वारा निर्धारित सौंदर्य मानकों जैसे - मीडिया, संस्कृति और समाज से करते हैं।हम हमेशा खुद को अन्य लोगों के खिलाफ मापते हैं और अपनी शारीरिक बनावट से खुदको आंकते हैं ।हम हमेशा दूसरों के पहनावे, सुंदरता, शरीर के आक, ऊंचाई आदि से अपनी तुलना करते हैं।बॉडी शेमिंग एक सीखा हुआ व्यवहार है, इसलिए माता-पिता के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है कि वह अपने बच्चों को इसका नेतृत्व दे।




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