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Managing Time During Exam

During exam time, it is very important for students to manage their time. Because of less awareness about time management, students tend to get stressed out in a result of which their result turns out to be unsatisfactory. This article will help you in giving idea on how students can manage their time while preparing for exam and while giving exam.

Time management

Time management is the process of planning and organizing different tasks to be done in a given span of time. It basically deals with how one can divide time efficiently between different activities and how much time is to be spend on particular activity.

1. DO – It comprises of those tasks which can be done right away. For example, learning and making notes simultaneously.

2. DELAY - It comprises of those tasks which are in less priority and can be done in free time. For example, watching TV, or mobile phones or playing games.

3. DELEGATE – It comprises of essential activities that can be assigned to someone else. For example, making projects, practicals or unnecessary assignments, art and craft or any other thing which is important but not important to be done by you.

4. DROP – It comprises of those activities which can be dropped or can be removed from the to-do list. For example, giving more time to those lessons in which you know everything.

All the above examples may differ from student to student as everyone has different priorities, strengths and weaknesses.

As mentioned above, because of lack of time management which in turn ends with lack of preparation, students tend to get freak out during exam time and deteriorate their result. Here let’s discuss about how one can manage their time during exam preparations.

1. One should be in a habit of waking up early in the morning. It is very important for everyone and especially students to meditate and do some exercise which help in keeping them mentally and physically fit. Not only this, but eating healthy is also very important as students really have a very hectic schedule of going to school, then going to coaching classes and at the end of the day, coming back home and studying individually and revising day-to-day lessons. Hence eating healthy food gives more energy to hustle more physically and mentally.

2. It is very important for a student to know his/her maximum productive time. Maximum productive time means that time when he/she is at their highest level of productivity. It is the time when their mind is in a great active state. At this time, whatever you will study will be easily understood by you and will be retained in your mind for a long time. At this time, you should study those lessons or topic in which you are weak and require more attention.

3. Divide your studying time into small different slots. It is very tough for humans to study for continuous hours and retaining everything being studied in those hours. You can make one slot of 1 hr or 1.5 hrs or maximum 2 hrs with 5 minutes break in between. This will help you to maintain freshness of mind and you will not get bore or feel sleepy or will lack concentration while studying.

4. Now coming to which subject to study when, this one is little challenging but you have to observe and analyse which one will suit to better.

There are two ways:

a. Stick to one subject for complete one day and try finishing complete topics.

b. Complete one topic of one subject and then switch to another topic of another subject.

You can follow both ways, depending on which subject is where in your priority list.

5. Some students don’t make study slots but still manage to complete their syllabus. It is because these students make day-to-day target of completing few numbers of topics from different or same subjects, again depending on priorities. They aim at completing these topics, irrespective of how much time is it taking to complete.

6. It is also very important to do some extra-curricular activities to refresh your mind. Hence, one should mandatorily give some time to extra-curricular activities because that helps in relaxing one’s mind.

Never keep mobile phone beside you while studying because mobile phones distract. It is always preferable to use watch for checking time.

It is very essential to manage time during exam because every question is important and award marks. To gain good marks in exam, effective time management is highly important.

1. If the exam is objective, divide given hours of time into given number of questions in minutes.

2. If the exam is subjective, hence divide the time in a way such that you are giving more time in answer writing questions and lesser time in one-word answers, true and false, fill the blanks and match the column type of questions.

In this article, I have only provided the suggestions on how one can manage their time during exam. It completely depends on your capabilities how you are managing time and maintaining time productivity.


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